Lovely people – a sponsorship update

In the last few weeks I’ve been busy with (amongst a lot of other things) talking to new sponsors for the rest of this and hopefully next year. Dave’s been doing the same and we’ve both had varying degrees of success.

Ragley look after me exceptionally well and I’m racing on some ace machinery that not only keep me reasonably competitive but also help me to enjoy ‘just riding bikes’. There are loads of new products emerging from them in the next few months so I’ll be providing updates as and when new bits appear on the bike. I’ve also been riding with Squirt Lube for a while now too – it’s great to do a 24 hour race or stupidly-long training ride and not have to reapply chain lube.

The observant readers out there will have no doubt noticed some other logos that have appeared over there on the left <–

First off, JMC IT are kindly making a valuable contribution to my racing costs and providing the use of a great big van with lots of seats.  One of the hardest parts of 24 hour racing (aside from racing for 24 hours, obviously) is actually getting everything and everyone who’s helping out to and from races and the high cost of entering them, so this kind of support is absolutely fantastic. It will keep me racing, in other words.

I’m now also being supported by 2Pure who will be keeping the engine running by supplying me with Clif bars, Shot Bloks, recovery products and energy drinks as well as 2 different varieties of Chamois Butt’r – Euro-style tingly and non-tingly varieties that is. I’ve already decided which is my favourite 😉

The chamois cream is a new one for me, I’ve been using ‘another brand’ for some years now so I will report back on the state of my butt in due course. (I’ve actually got rather a lot of Chamois Butt’r so if you want a sample please just ask).

I’ve been using Clif energy products in races and in training for a while now. The energy bars are the bars that taste most like ‘normal’ food in my opinion (like cakes in fact) and I’ve avoided sickness, the dreaded bonk and cramp by using Clif Shot carb/electrolyte drink at all my 24 hour races so far this year. I also gave a couple of bottles to Phil when he cramped up 6 hours into the Grizedale 12 hour race and he went on to finish 4th…so he’s also a convert too.

We’ve now formalised ‘Team JMC /Ragley’ (we weren’t allowed to have ‘Team Awesome’) –  all of the sponsors I’ve mentioned are supporting us both now so that we can carry on racing lots, continue the tradition of The Daft Ride and hopefully maintain the form we’ve both been enjoying for some time.

Wait until you see the gorgeous new jerseys 😉

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