save our bombhole!

Only a shortish ride yesterday, despite my plans for bigger things I gathered some good karma and did some jobs around the house instead. I think the re-planned century ride will be North Wales-bound so that I can incorporate a visit to an uncle that I’ve not seen in ages.


During yesterday’s ride I popped over to Bombhole Woods, scene of much carnage in Hit the North. The Scouts, who own this part of the course, have covered a lot of the trail with logs. They’ve certainly closed the most dangerous parts anyway. Good job really – it seems that our race exposed a number of trails that were little-used and not that well known. Since the race, people have continued to ride the course and parts of it, such as these woods, are suffering. The parts that are not covered in logs are covered in fresh tyre tracks and big ruts. It’s never going to recover enough for us to race on it again in fact, so hopefully the logs will reduce the traffic a bit.


As a reminder of how awesomely slippery Bombhole Woods can be in the wet, I slammed into the ground on the first 5 metres after leaving the campsite.